We've made a lot of progress on the stairs together with entryway inwards the yesteryear twain weeks, together with although I actually wanted it to live finished earlier I showed you, it only isn't.
I know you lot guys nonetheless desire to know what's going on though, thus consider today a progress report.
I'm contemplating changing the advert of my weblog to LiveLoveSnail.
So, let's acquire started.
I'm the outset to acknowledge that our trouble solid was a full armpit when nosotros outset moved in.
The entryway was 1 of the worst offenders. It had dark orangish parquet floors that were damaged together with discolored, together with I basically counted the days until I could rip it up.
The step runway wasn't much better. It wrapped around the entire entryway together with into the dining room, together with was visible from every angle.
But I knew from hateful solar daytime 1 that this trouble solid had a lot of potential.
A few months afterwards moving in, I painted the step runway white. It made things a chip to a greater extent than tolerable, but at the terminate of the day, nosotros nonetheless had an entryway alongside parquet floors together with 2 sets of stairs covered inwards carpet.
Sidenote: See that dark pit downward there? That's the lower score of my carve upwardly score house. It's currently destroyed yesteryear cats together with renovation debris, but one of these days nosotros are going to company downward at that topographic point together with beak all nigh it. It's nearly one-half of the house, together with it's higher upwardly set down (not similar a typical basement), thus there's a lot to beak about.
I'll in all probability receive got a few months to relax...to motility all my article of furniture dorsum in...to instruct myself how to live normal again...to consume white patato chips. But afterwards that, it's on.
Anyways, thus when nosotros lastly spoke (after the flooring stain debacle) the dining room was beingness used every bit a hoarding infinite for all of the entryway flooring.
And the stairs were finally beingness installed.
Unfortunately I forgot to pigment the step risers earlier they were installed, thus I got to pass a few fun hours post-installation taping off the stairs, testing my balancing skills, together with icon them alongside the greatest of precision.
Add that to my renovation listing of 'lessons learned inwards hindsight'.
And now, since then, the novel step runway has finally been built.
It's nonetheless only raw wood, together with I nonetheless receive got to pigment it, but oh glorious day, it's installed together with gear upwardly for its debut.

I worked alongside our contractor to come upwardly up alongside a design, together with thus he basically built it inwards a day. I was totally mesmerized yesteryear the entire procedure together with learned thus much only yesteryear creeping around the corner together with staring at him.
I'm plainly no woodworker, but inwards the simplest of terms, I chose uncomplicated rectangular balusters alongside chunky newel posts at each corner together with at the end.
It took quite a land to determine on a blueprint (Who knew how many options at that topographic point were for balusters?! Illegal.), but ultimately I went alongside something uncomplicated that I knew I would live happy alongside for the long haul.

As for the pigment situation, side yesteryear side week, I'll live using a pigment sprayer for the first time together with icon the entire matter white. Since nosotros receive got an entire step runway to pigment together with and since nosotros are installing all novel cut back (that also needs to live painted), Jesse together with I decided this would live a skilful fourth dimension to choke ahead together with brand things easier on ourselves yesteryear buying a pigment sprayer.
So basically, I've wanted a pigment sprayer my entire adult life together with all my dreams are coming true. And when I unopen my eyes at night, I dream of myself dancing alongside a pigment sprayer inwards hand.
Or something similar that.
I'm also thinking nigh icon only the exceed handrail black. Kinda similar this, but I would maintain the newel posts white.
Source: House Beautiful
And thus possibly icon the within of the front end door black.
But maybe not.
I'm sitting correct on exceed of the fence, unsure nigh anything together with everything.
I've choke totally convinced that ripping your trouble solid apart simultaneously rips your encephalon apart.
My programme is to pigment everything white outset together with consider what it looks like, together with thus choke from there. If it only feels similar white overload, we'll experiment.
And if my experiment sucks, we'll only pigment it back.
As for the stone wall, you lot guys receive got been super curious nigh my plans. And I'm thus glad. I told you lot nigh it because I secretly actually wanted to know what you lot thought. Your feedback is ever actually great, together with sometimes it helps me consider things from a perspective I haven't yet seen.

Basically, something weird happened afterwards the low-cal floors were installed, together with the walls were given a fresh coat of my favorite novel white paint. I no longer loathe the stone wall. That beingness said, I'm nonetheless on the fighting nigh it, thus I mightiness nonetheless practise something. However, until I know for certain what I want, I'm asset off on whatever changes.
Sidenote: This entire infinite was painted this calendar week alongside Benjamin Moore Simply White (mixed inwards Behr pigment because I'm inexpensive similar that). I've basically spent the yesteryear 2 weeks of my life icon the house, together with I receive got thus much to part nigh that, thus we're going to beak nigh all the novel pigment colors together with expression at the residual of the rooms next week.

Basically, something weird happened afterwards the low-cal floors were installed, together with the walls were given a fresh coat of my favorite novel white paint. I no longer loathe the stone wall. That beingness said, I'm nonetheless on the fighting nigh it, thus I mightiness nonetheless practise something. However, until I know for certain what I want, I'm asset off on whatever changes.
Sidenote: This entire infinite was painted this calendar week alongside Benjamin Moore Simply White (mixed inwards Behr pigment because I'm inexpensive similar that). I've basically spent the yesteryear 2 weeks of my life icon the house, together with I receive got thus much to part nigh that, thus we're going to beak nigh all the novel pigment colors together with expression at the residual of the rooms next week.
Here's how the novel step runway looks from the other angle, looking into the dining room together with kitchen.
Pardon my Swiffer.
And Jesse's Bass magnet.
We nonetheless receive got to practise all of the trimwork (that's all we're working on for the side yesteryear side twain weeks), but it makes me pretty happy to consider how far we've come upwardly since nosotros outset moved in.
It's only 1 of those moments where I kinda crumple into a happy lump on the ground.
There were thus many times during the yesteryear 10 weeks where I legitimately sentiment everything would only live a disaster. So, it's a actually prissy feeling to live able to expression around together with dear what I see.
Meanwhile, Tootie together with Cheese seem to live totally confused yesteryear their novel environment. They've been allowed to roam costless for nigh a calendar week now, together with it seems to choke 1 of 2 ways.
#1: Total bliss together with freedom, chasing each other around similar miniature buffaloes, high on life. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot to see, a lot to do.
Not a minute to lose.
#2. Total befuddlement, nervous nigh every slice of fuzz that blows across the new/weird floor. Don't impact me.
Prefers to sit down atop refrigerator together with gear upwardly for attack.
It could also receive got something to practise alongside the Bass magnet.
There was also a new, unexpected graphic symbol thrown into the mix lastly week. My mom had to move to Nashville for go together with left my piddling sis Ellie alongside me.
Ellie is the sweetest piddling rat domestic dog you lot volition ever meet, together with I dear her similar she is my human sister. I literally receive got conversations alongside her together with gaze into her eyes.
You in all probability receive got dogs, so...you understand.
She's actually old, super cuddly (except for the pointy chicken legs), together with she's irrationally terrified of everything.
You in all probability receive got dogs, so...you understand.
She's actually old, super cuddly (except for the pointy chicken legs), together with she's irrationally terrified of everything.
For example, permit me laid the stage: It's 8pm, I'm inwards elastic-waistbanded-pants, the cats are downstairs, Jesse is out alongside some guy friends, Ellie together with I are cuddling together with watching movies, together with I opened upwardly a bottle of Sprite.
She's my favorite trouble solid guest.
And we'll terminate on that note.
I'll live dorsum shortly to part the new pigment colors, the painted stair rail together with door, together with the living room.
Love ya'll.
P.S. The other posts inwards the House Makeover serial tin sack live institute here:

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